How to wash my cat?

On many occasions you will have wondered if it is necessary to wash your cat or in what situations it is necessary to do so . In this article we want to present you with some of the basic cleaning care that you have to carry out with your feline .

Wash my cat or does it wash itself

First of all , washing our cats depends on their health and the amount of dirt they have.

They wash themselves by constantly licking their body , but otherwise we must bathe ourselves. We also have to take this into account if their fur has too much dirt or if some type of substance that is harmful to them has fallen on it.

How often should I wash my cat?

Taking into account that felines maintain their own hygiene, it will depend on their type of fur, dirt, and the environment in which they live.

In general terms, it is not advisable to bathe your cat more than once a month , as we can facilitate the appearance of dermatitis or allergy problems on its skin.

clean hair

Your cat will need help with grooming even though they spend much of their time licking their fur.
  1. First of all, we must brush their hair regularly to remove dead hair and check for unwanted appearance of ticks or fleas, and we will also prevent the formation of hairballs in their stomach.
  2. As for bathing, we should at least once a year taking into account the type of hair and the dirt of its coat . It is necessary to familiarize the cat with water by doing it calmly in a basin or bathtub with warm water. Use a sponge to apply water all over the body, maintain a relaxed space and use a specific shampoo for cats .
The product you use on its fur is essential to maintain the health of your feline. Use specific products for them and with non-harmful natural ingredients . We recommend the Petuxe shampoo for cats with sensitive skin since its formulation is designed to care for sensitive, delicate skin, with atopic skin or that needs better care.

Clean ears

Cleaning cats' ears should be superficial , so you must prevent any liquid or substance from entering their ear.
Use a damp gauze or specific wipe for this purpose and wipe it over the dirty areas and inside the ear, always avoiding the ear .

Clean eyes

As in the previous point, it is recommended to use gauze impregnated with a specific product for eye treatment or, failing that, physiological saline.
Wash cat eyes
It is not recommended to use cotton as remains of it can come off and end up inside the eye, causing discomfort to our feline.
Also remember that you should superficially clean the eye on the outside and the surrounding fur , at no time on the inside. If you see that your cat may have infection or conjunctivitis, it is advisable to go to your veterinarian as soon as possible .

Clean teeth

In this case you can use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid irritating their gums. Choose a time when your cat is relaxed so you can clean it optimally without stressing.
Lift his upper lip and begin to gently clean his teeth with the brush dipped in water or a specific product for this purpose. In the same case, you should go to the veterinarian if you detect any infection or disease in your feline's mouth.
If you detect any abnormality while washing your cat ; Whether it's in their fur, ears or eyes, go to the vet immediately.

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