Summer care for your dog


Summer is full of walking and adventure. We like to work with our pets, especially dogs. Even in these days, the temperature is rising and heat begins to appear. Summer also brings some risks to our furry companions.

High temperature will lead to more skin and ear infections. Some dogs, especially hairy dogs, may suffer from heatstroke in summer if we don't take care of and protect them in these days.

We know that dogs like to spend time in the sun, or at least for most dogs, it's very healthy for your pet. However, we must take precautions to take care of your skin, hair and health. Take these tips and enjoy your furry season without any problems.

Know your dog shows signs of heat

The average temperature of the dog is 38.5 °. Above this temperature means that your pet is in an irregular state.

The nervous system of dogs is different from ours, and the way of regulating temperature is also different. If we don't pay attention to furry signals, because their sweat is different from human beings, they are easy to overheat.

In addition to drinking water, dogs also use breathing to regulate their temperature. But they also expressed some signals that needed to recover from the high temperature.

  • Vigorous or rapid breathing is a signal that you need hydration or energy recovery.
  • Dry or red gums may be a symptom of hyperthermia
  • Excessive drooling or viscosity is a sign of dehydration.
  • Heat stroke can cause vomiting and diarrhea
  • A mat that sweats too much
  • Dry nose

If your furry skin has symptoms of excessive temperature or heat exhaustion, take it to a cool place, provide water supply, and put a wet towel on your body. If you can't calm down soon, you'd better take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Remember not to use cold water. It can be very intense and will have an impact on your dog.

Fully moisturize your dog

Dehydration is common in pets in summer. Even people get dehydrated during this season. That's why, just as we are vigilant about our hydration these days, we must also pay attention to the hydration of our dogs.

  • Make sure your furry house always has clean and fresh water, and you can even add water points.
  • If your dog has an outdoor water dispenser, make sure it is in the shade. If your dog's water is not fresh and hot, your dog may not like it.
  • When your dog partner goes out for a walk, bring him a bottle of water and try to make him drink water comfortably.
  • You can add moist food to your dog's diet to increase fluid intake.
  • If your dog is upset in hot weather, you can take a shower with fresh water, which will calm him down.

Pay attention to walking or walking

It doesn't matter to enjoy summer. We know it includes staying in the sun for a period of time, but long-term exposure can cause harm to your dog. Consider these.

  • Avoid staying in the sun for more than two hours, or check for signs of overheating, and provide water as much as possible. Find a place in the shade to restore a stable body temperature to your dog partner. Remember, your furry feeling is much warmer than you.
  • Try to schedule your walk at a time when the temperature is low, whether in the morning, afternoon or evening. If you have a puppy or a bigger dog, it's important to think about it.
  • If a walk takes more than 30 minutes, and certainly includes a long walk in the sun, don't forget to bring a bottle of water.
  • Make sure the dog's legs are not on a very hot surface. Walking on hot asphalt, cement or metal can burn your furry paws and raise your body temperature when the dog gets hot from top to bottom.

Keep your furry hair cool and clean

Hydration is important to keep your dog cool, but you must consider other ways to ensure that your dog does not have bad weather in summer and prevent heatstroke.

  • You need to increase your dog's bathing frequency, not only to keep cool, but also in summer, your dog is more vulnerable to pollution, dirt during walking, and typical seasonal flea and tick infections. Use shampoo only when necessary and do not exceed the specified amount.
  • If you take your fluffy clothes to the beach, remember to remove the salt, sand and fresh water together. If you want to spend a long season on the beach with your pet, try Conditioner or mask Because the sea and the sun will weaken your dog's hair.
  • He sprayed water on the dog's legs and stomach from time to time. This is the best way to cool down quickly. You can also wipe these places with a wet towel.

UV protection products

Believe it or not, pets can also suffer sunburn or skin damage from exposure to the sun.

Dogs with short and thin hair or dogs without hair have more direct sunlight on their skin. There are special and clinical products to protect these areas. If your dog has a delicate skin and heat that may cause irritation, consult your veterinarian to recommend the best product.

Dark fur dogs, like black dogs, absorb more heat (light), so more sunlight will make the fur lose luster and strength because it will burn slightly. existence Formulated shampoo with UV filter In order to protect and improve the color of these varieties.


Don't shave your pet

Many people think shaving your dog in the summer is a smart solution, but that's not the case. Your dog's cloak is naturally designed to resist climate and environmental changes and all temperatures throughout the year.

Removing the cloak from your dog will expose you to new feelings, you will feel uncomfortable, and part of your nervous system is located in some layers of fur. Consult a professional before making a decision.

You can increase the frequency of your hairstyle to remove dead skin so that your skin and other hair can breathe better. So you can also check your fur for unwanted insects.


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