How to bathe a dog that doesn't taste
If you're here, it's because maybe you've had the experience of bathing a dog who's afraid of water, and you know quite well how titanic this task can be. However much as your dog has a hard time, it's something you can't stop doing and you want to find the best solution to let your pet's bath time be a nightmare for both you and your hairy.
To bathe a dog that doesn’t like to shower, it takes patience and attention. Improving the bath experience may take a little time, but nothing that cannot be achieved. Gradually, with these tips, you will see your dog transform that tedious moment of the bathroom into a friendly toilet time.
Why is my dog afraid of water?
There are many reasons why a dog can fear the water. It may partly be because of your genetics, because of your lack of early contact with water, how nervous it can be.
According to some expert veterinarians, sometimes fear of water is associated with an animal's concern for getting wet. If you've ever been angry with your dog for playing in a fountain, puddle, or with another fountain of water, or if it's just rained and made your dog believe it's something to avoid, you may, without wanting, have passed on to your dog a bad sense of water.
This may also be associated with some treatments or accidents at an early age with water. If they have received water as a way to drive them away or rebuke them. It may also affect that the dog has not been used to a regular bath and the times it has happened has been a forced and, in some cases, violent experience.
If your dog is afraid of water it is necessary to do and allow certain things with your hairy to reduce fear of water and the bath experience is less scary.
- Try playing with your dog in a garden or park with the sprinklers on, this can help your dog gradually get used to the feeling of getting wet without it being a problem.
- If by walking with your hairy he decides to play with the water he finds on the way, you reprisal it.
- Every now and then you can pass a wet towel over its caress-shaped fur.
- Take him for a walk through a lake or the ocean.
What you must do before you bathe a dog that fears water.

Once you have a little used your dog to the feeling of water with the above tricks, it is time to start with the bath time. We're not gonna lie to you, the hard part starts now.
It's possible that the fear of water has not yet gone, so it's best to prepare ourselves before to improve the process of getting into the shower or starting the bathroom.
- Prepare the bathroom or area where you do the washing of your dog. Check that you have everything you need for your pet's bathroom.
- Depending on the surface where you bathe your dog, consider using a rubber carpet. There is a chance that the dog will increase its nerves if it feels it is on a slippery surface. Even in some cases, this may be the root of water fear. If you include a towel or bath carpet, your dog will feel safer standing while bathing.
- If possible, fill a bathtub with 7 to 10 cm deep, depending on the size of your hairy friend. The ideal thing is that before starting with the shower, the dog can make a temperature and sensation transition in a friendly way. By sharply opening the tap the dog may be frightened by the noise of water.
- Try using some toys. Just as it works for babies, also for our hairy babies. Toys can help distract them and focus on something other than water.
- Choose the right shampoo and conditioner. Make sure that the product you bathe your dog with is something your pet likes. The product you used earlier may be unpleasant for your dog, either because of its smell or because it has not retired well. Consider choosing a vegan shampoo or special products for the hair type of the pet.
Show your dog how wonderful to bathe
Although we know that the task of bathing your dog can become torture for many and for any of the parties, we must transform this experience into a moment of enjoyment and love.
Your dog has the ability to know when that terrible moment is approaching. Try to sell your dog the idea that the bathroom is a fun, surprise-filled moment. If your dog has already begun to show anxiety because he suspects the bath time is approaching, try to wait for it to calm down and forget it for a while.
Try to invite him to the shower, without forcing him. If this doesn't happen, do it for yourself without stopping giving him love and making him see they're having a good time.
Immediately you can give him some snack for that big step and leave some for later.
By bathing your dog, never wet his head first. Make sure the dog has already tested the water temperature with its kicks and has some already wet areas of its body.
Keep a positive and friendly attitude with your dog at all times. If your dog starts to despair, don't shout or speak loudly to calm down. Try a snack or stop pouring water and calm it down again.
Try washing your dog with a sprinkler nozzle, this could be a less invasive and silent way to wet your dog. It can also be very helpful to pour water slowly onto the dog with the help of a bucket.
Use products that have relaxing fragrances for the dog contributes to your dog calming down during the bathing process.
Once you try these exercises and tips to bathe your dog, you’ll see that gradually bathing your dog will be easier each time. Also, even if you don’t believe it, our hairy friends, after a bath, feel happier and thank him very much.